
The original signatories of this manifesto are its originators. They are thus listed and described on the “originators” page.

The current page will list Subsequent independent signatories of the Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking.

You may request to sign the Linking Manifesto. The current page will periodically be updated with new signatories.

Name Job title/position/profession Location Additional message Social media links
Brian David Fisher Professor Vancouver, BC Canada
John Nesbit Professor Port Moody, Canada
George Browning Founder/Developer Raleigh, NC, USA George Browning is the founder of Zengobi, Inc., and developer of Curio, a macOS notebook application for note-taking, brainstorming, and research gathering. Linking is a key feature of Curio, with support for deep links to a project, or pages or figures within a project, or specific selected ranges within text or PDF figures, or specific start times in audio or video figures. More info at or @zengobi. @zengobi –
J.F. Brissette Editor Las Vegas, Nevada N.A.
Richard Kaplan Physician/Life Care Planner Monroeville, PA Linking is fundamental to managing information in today’s world of extraordinarily increasing information volume.
Sandro Cuccia Educator Wilmington, Delaware
James N. Comas Associate Professor of English (Middle Tennessee State University) Bell Buckle, Tennessee “Only connect …” – E. M. Forster twitter: @jncomas
Riccardo Coen Enterprise Architect Italy
Ben Hamilton Senior Solution Architect Australia Being able to reference our own content allows us to get more value from the products that let us do that.
Esteban Umerez Lawyer Bilbao, Spain
Matt Smallman Consultant UK
Jonathan Hastings Retired UK and Ghana Hopefully this will encourage developers to follow your lead.
Simon Kaplan CEO, [ui!] the urban institute Queensland, Australia Linking is critical to my work life; it is also critical to our products and their success.  Ubiquitous linking would be a ‘public good’, and I endorse it.
Claus Atzenbeck Professor Hof, Germany
Lionel Davoust Novelist, electronic musician France
Thomas Pisula Manager for Scientific Information Dortmund, Germany
Derek van Pelt Bangkok, Thailand
Bern Shanfield Computer User Educator Portland ME
Pietro Siorpaes Lecturer London, UK
Daniel Jomphe DevOps Engineer & Pastor Québec, Canada
Rajinder Singh Harjit Singh Cardiologist Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Twitter: @rajinder
Jesse Madden Physician North Carolina
Giovani di Gesù Managing Partner Brazil @giovanidigesu
Jens Hynne Petersen IT Project Manager Denmark Twitter: @jehpet
Doug Stansfield Dayton, OH @drsdayton
Dr. Götz Huttel Bonn, Germany Help to link all the apps together to make life easier, Espresso. mine.
Prof. Dr. Martin Wagenmann MD: Head of Rhinology, Allergy, and endoscopic skull base surgery, Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) Düsseldorf, Germany Direct linking saves time and reduces distraction, paving the way to work in a flow state @MartinWagenmann
Adam Engst Publisher Ithaca, NY
Lisa Sieverts Owner/Project Manager New Hampshire Contextual computing is a game-changer and links are key to make this work easily and effectively. I need links that work across applications and across devices.
Francois Chaplais Researcher Paris, France
Hugh McMillan Retired Apollo Beach, FL
Martin Jean Scientist Montreal, Canada Links between data and information is the tools to go from facts and separate data to integrate knowledge and wisdom. @martinjeanphd
Mathieu Lemaire Assistant professor of pediatrics Toronto, CAN Twitter: @mjmlemaire
Robin Foster Funeral Director/ Manager
Jeff Kiefer Senior Vice President, Discovery Research Scottsdale, Az
Alejandro Miranda Social scientist Mexico
John Sidiropoulos web developer London Linking is much better than searching!
Steve Moser iOS Developer / Tech Analyst “Linkability” is more than a checkbox feature, it is a critical part of my decision framework when evaluating a new tool or app.
Bob Lucore Technology Support Consultant/iSchool – San José State University
Shane Qi iOS Software Engineer Dallas, TX
Steve Swift Aeronautical Engineer Canberra, Australia
Sean Miceli Software Engineer
Quico Moya Senior iOS Engineer Berlin Hi! I love this initiative.
John L Sobraske Market Manager Victor, NY Links via Hook do not work with Microsoft Office 365.  ANOTHER reason to hate Microsoft…
Mark Prazoff Retired Kapolei, Hawaii, USA I support this very important effort. I support both Hook, and Obsidian as steps towards inter-connected information. Twitter: @mprazoff
Norman Hente Retired Granite City, Illinois
Tommy Weir Lecturer, photographer, filmmaker Ireland Twitter
Erik D. Mueller-Harder academic, author, web developer, Tolkien scholar Cabot, Vermont, USA Ubiquitous linking is like electricity or broadband: it’s possible to exist without it, but its presence makes *so* much more possible. It doesn’t matter if, as a developer, you don’t see the need to make your data linkable; *some*body, *some*where wishes it was.
Graham Best Sales Engineer Atlanta
Ted Goranson Senior Scientist Brisbane, Australia
Marc-Antoine Parent Founder, Conversence Montréal, Qc, Canada Links themselves need to be first class objects!
Benedict Sarnaker Musicologist OH USA
David Voelker Professor of Humanities & History, Univ. of Wisconsin-Green Bay Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Christopher Smith Media Specialist Hampton Roads, VA, USA The dream of hypertext has been mine since the 1980s, yet to date, there are large sections of our information landscape still unlinkable. I hope to see the ability to link to any data through any application. Ebooks are an especial need, and Apple Books should provide a linking mechanism to any highlighted text.
Vsevolod Poliakov DevOps engineer Kyiv, Ukraine
Mira Kalous data analyst Prague
Matthias Steffens Developer of Keypoints Keypoints (which is not yet available) is based on atomic plaintext notes and wholeheartedly supports the concept of deep linking. It will offer item links for every supported entity (like notes, keywords, labels, files, etc) as well as typed links between notes. Scripting/automation will allow to integrate with other apps.
Gary Young retired Southern Cal
Zsolt Benke Developer Pécs, Hungary
John Gardner Consultant Programme Manager Herts, UK
Michael Dreves Sales, cloud Denmark @dreves
Dr Tim Jervis Company Director London, UK
Fernando Martinewski Brazil
Mike Hüttemann CIO Frankfurt am Main, Germany The ability to link between bits of information accessible through best of breed apps is one of the key principles of my workflow.
Randy Wachs
Martin Wierschin Software Developer San Diego, CA, USA
William Deal Professor Cleveland, OH, USA
John Faughnan Physician Minnesota
liyanan software engneer ShenZhen China
Hanjo Kim Principal Scientist/Standigm Inc. Seoul, South Korea This is really cool!
Russ Pierson Dean, Lane Community College Eugene, Oregon @russpierson
Joel Matthew Sciamma Director – VantagePoint Cartographics Ltd. Surrey, UK Due to the paucity of deep linking between the data sources that I use, it was necessary for me in the 90s to develop a system of UUIDs that could be embedded within any type of document but, by necessity, required a search to reveal them. Better than nothing. That at least allowed the emergence of a supra-level of understanding of my data, which this manifesto now seeks to enable in a far more practical way. For those developers that understand the richness and value that support for this concept grants to all users, thank you. For OS and application developers yet to embrace these enabling facilities, imagine how much more valued your platform or product could be when part of a web of interlinked knowledge.
John Johnson PhD Candidate Atlanta
Mark Anderson Independent Researcher Portsmouth, UK As a researcher of hypertext and organisational knowledge, the needs for this are self-evident. Twitter: @mwra
Matthew Bischoff Partner at Lickability New York, NY
Dr. Jeff Hester Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University / Currently coach, consultant, and author Gold Canyon, Arizona Prior to seeing the Manifesto I was already in contact with a number of software companies making exactly this complaint.

The work that I do is creative, and draws on information from the web, journal articles, books, data repositories of various sorts (image, video, numerical data sets), numerical analysis (mine and that of others), and on down the list. My projects range from running group programs, to coaching, to writing journal articles, to a magazine column that I write, to analysis products, to video publications, to software development, to a book project that I am currently working on, and so on. That book project draws from and integrates data from an extremely wide range of fields and sources. Pouring through material generates large volumes of notes, references, and content of numerous types, much of which is likely to be used in a number of different contexts. This is, of course, in addition to finances, communication with clients and collaborators, personal projects and the like.

In short, like a growing number of professionals I am a 21st Century information worker and creator.

In my world it is absolutely impossible to simply group information according to where it will be used. One of the largest single tasks that I have — and certainly the task that brings with it the greatest friction in my productivity — is keeping things in order. Having to put a lot of effort into tracking things down, or moving/copying things from one context into another, can become the sort of overhead (both temporal and psychological) that can easily derail my work.

The only viable solution for me is to keep information in appropriate repositories, and then link into that information from numerous interdependent projects. Custom URL schemes (and to a lesser extent APIs suitable for app automation) are the foundation of that linking. Give me an app that supports custom URLs, especially deep linking into content, and I will integrate it into my world. On the other hand, an app might be the most beautiful, powerful, and unique piece of software on the planet, but absent linking it will squarely in the way of my productivity.

The internet changed the world by providing a system of deep linking within and among a huge variety of different sources and types of information. The single essential component needed for the internet to exist are web URLs. It is far past time that communication between apps within our individual worlds is as straightforward as communication with the outside world.
Andrew Canion Management Consultant & Podcaster Perth, Australia Twitter: @andrewcanion
Tonya Engst Digital Content Editor Ithaca, NY
Terence A Dodge Retired/Tech-Support “Dude” Davis, Calif.
Arthur Werry IT Specialist Michigan, USA
Marcus Phelan Major Accident Hazards Inspector Dublin, Ireland @marcus_phelan
David Dannemiller Aerospace Engineer Houston Texas US
Philippe Bernery Lead Developer Paris, France
Prof. Murat Yildizoglu Professor of economics Bordeaux It should be even more transparent than Hook…
Gerrie Shults Retired Software Engineer San Diego, CA, USA “Aptly-placed links” do much more than reduce the cognitive load for accessing direct relationships. Through indirect relationships, they also enable the rapid recognition or construction of mental models of the larger context(s) in which the original information exists or could exist.
Charlie Garrison Webapp Developer Regional NSW, Australia Sharing (knowledge, data, beliefs, etc) is critical, and the ease of sharing is fundamental to open and useful exchanges. Embracing standards helps achieve that.
Adrian Fronda
Daniel Alm Indie Mac and iOS developer, building @TimingApp and @PocketCAS. Core contributor to the SwiftGRPC project. @daniel_a_a
Doug Stansfield Oakwood, OH Every knowledge manager should sign this… @drsdayton
Sylwia Hyniewska researcher in emotion science Zurich We need linking to be possible across diverse media and diverse platforms. Among others, it is quintessential for all knowledge workers – being able to rely on it would free many mental resources, limit our frustrations and save us all time.
Sedat Kaplan Lecturer Turkey
Bart Busschots Sysadmin, podcaster & open source developer Ireland
Stephen Millard Consulting Manager (IT)/Habitual Automator of Computers and Efficiency Advocate York, UK Ease and reliability of access to information are what modern society is built upon from the Information Age. As we progress more deeply into an age of knowledge management and creation on a personal, group, and even societal level, we need to ensure an architecture is in place to support this. The Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking sets out a clear and logical foundational component for this architecture. I hope to see both the support for and the delivery of the tenants of this manifesto increase, in time creating a greater capability and potential for more digitally integrated learning opportunities. Twitter:
Alex Bauer Head of Market Strategy, Branch Palo Alto, CA
Chris Lei Software Engineer Seattle, Washington, USA
Will Holley
Csongor Bartus UI/UX Designer, Web developer Europe Long time interest in learning, writing, creating knowledge.
Theo Armour Software Maintainer San Francisco The more links the better. You have nothing to lose but your chains. @ta
Sébastien Dubois Author
Nikita Fedyashev Kyiv, Ukraine
Gene Blishen Retired Burnaby BC Applications need to have a viewable understanding this concept is endorsed and usable. @tinfoiling
Ondrej Krajicek Chief Technology Strategist Czech Republic
Lukas Kawerau Educator, Consultant Germany
Clyde Ho Editor Chongqing, China
Kenshin Wang SimpRead Developer China
dysthymia China
Heddxh CS student CN
Alex Lewis Developer & NCC Co-founder Shanghai, China
Moeyua FrontEnd Engineer China
Nick Milo TV Editor, Founder Los Angeles, CA, USA
Lance Cummings Associate Professor of English University of North Carolina Wilmington Hypertext continues to change the way we think and write. Ubiquitous linking is key to realizing hypertext’s full potential and helping students understand writing process in the 21st century.
Vesa P
Steven McCartney Tech Investor Waterloo, ON, Canada I strongly support the Manifesto and encourage every effort to ensure links that will survive moving between platforms and the passage of time.
Koenraad Blansaer Teacher – Dutch, Slavic and Russian Studies. Belgium
Agustin Albesa Professor Zaragoza (Spain)
TJ Longacre USA
bin zhou Doctor China I have recommend the hook to the PDF expert many times via Email!
I wish the PDF expert can do the job as the skim do in hook!
Tomáš Baránek book publisher / lifehacker / blogger / linker Brno, Czech Republic
Chuck Wade Principal Consultant Hopkinton, MA, USA Knowledge is as much about the threads (read “linkages”) that connect sources of information as the information itself. Instead of trying to corral information behind proprietary fences, application developers, information purveyors, software infrastructure maintainers, and the media at large should be facilitating open APIs that allow anyone to create and maintain their own links to information, as well as using the links provided by others. Ultimately sharing knowledge is really about sharing the links to information. I avoid using social media, in part because the major players in social media have been focusing on trying to make their platforms the center of the “metaverse.” I favor being able to make and maintain my own linkages, instead of relying on profit-oriented big-tech players who often exploit their customers desires to share in ways that benefit social media players at scale, while putting individual privacy at risk.
Graham Hill Pastor, Historian, Writer Saskatchewan, SK, Canada
Chris Coyier Web Designer, Co-Founder of CodePen Bend, Oregon, United States @chriscoyier
Dr. Thomas Mathoi Projectmanager & Senior Lecturer @ FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Graz / Austria
Barry MacKichan Founder/CEO of MacKichan Software, Inc. (retired) North Carolina Our products were word processors for people who use a lot of mathematics in their writing. Some of them included a licensed computer algebra system for doing symbolic and numeric computations and plotting within the document. Although MacKichan Software has closed, one of our products, Scientific Word, is now open source. Linking to and from a diverse environment of documents and tools is one way Scientific Word can grow. I don’t use social media other than email.
Onno Karman IT journalist & copy writer Amsterdam Link everything but parks. @onnoka
Darryl Noakes Student/Programmer/Maker Jamaica
Ron Berry Retired. Web dev tinkering. Melbourne, Australia Anything that helps to keep one’s mind on the right track is a good thing.
Selçuk Dursun Asst. Prof. /METU Ankara, Turkey @tariHist
Tom Callahan UX Engineer United States
Pauline Piekos Deputy Director/PMP London Being a knowledge worker and a manager, I realise how important it is to have access to the sources of my information especially in the sector of digital ecology.
Matthew Trifiro CMO Dallas, TX This is long overdue.
Harald Kerres Patent Information Specialist The Netherlands
DIYgod Web3 Developer Scotland RSS3 is working towards this!
Jolin Warren Researcher (Sustainability and Carbon Accounting) Edinburgh, Scotland
Felicity Vidya Mehendale Surgeon, Professor Edinburgh, UK Linking is critical to ensuring we have rapid, timely, efficient and relevant access to information and data.
Lack of linking compromises efficiency, leads to avoidable repetition and wasted time, potentially wastes data (which in clinical settings is unethical) and most importantly, may lead to harm that could have been prevented with easy, quick access to linked data.
Pakhom Leo student China
Danilo Bonardi CEO Dublin
Adrian Clark Student Health & Wellbeing Manager London, UK
Christin White Freelance developer Vancouver, Washington
Damon Casey Managing Director UK
Dr Ella Green Primary Care Physician, Senior Manager in Health Technology & Informatics UK Psychological flow and forging, exploring and working with links between information in flexible, structured ways is massively important to almost any serious endeavour.
Gordon Alexander Ferrier Director Edinburgh, Scotland Linking apps in the Mac ecosystem is key to ensuring that data can be shared ubiquitously. The Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking forms the basis for achieving that across a wide range and variety of apps.
Willi Schroll Foresight & Strategy Berlin, Germany The globalized world is connected like never before. We need the best tools and methods to navigate & focus, to link & communicate our knowledge. To harvest a maximum of insight and wisdom from our connected minds.
Joel Chan Assistant Professor University of Maryland, College of Information Studies and Human-Computer Interaction Lab
Joel Orr Independent Thinker Mountain View, CA Long-time advocate of hypertext, linking, PKM. Friend of Ted Nelson, the late Doug Engelbart, others. Fan of Nick Milo, Tiago Forte, HyperCard…
Drew McCormack Founder Amsterdam, The Netherlands @drewmccormack @agenda
Rachael Gresham Manager/Developer of Student Systems Utah I would love to have this functionality so I can better support my students and staff. I rely heavily on my task manager to keep me organized, and the inability to add emails to my task manager is severely impactful.
Ellane Weedon Director Australia One day we will look back on a world without ubiquitous linking as the dark ages of knowledge management. This is not a nice-to-have; it is—it should be—the very foundation of every digital endeavour. It’s hard to mobilise a collective mindset when things have been disconnected for so long; the task now is to convince more people who have the power to bring about this change that it really is broke, and we really do need to fix it. To those of you frustrated that the masses can’t see this issue clearly, take a look in any shoe shop window, and at your own feet: shoes have been causing more problems than they solve for hundreds of years now. Still, when people who are enlightened band together, there’s always hope! —For a connected digital world, and for healthy feet.
William Deal Professor Emeritus (Cognitive Science and Religious Studies) New Hampshire, USA @wdeal
John ‘JT’ Thomas Technologist & Storyteller Michigan, US
Donovan Watts Director, Operations Colorado
Kirby Krieger Artist Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Hookmark should be an OS-level utility. Every application that runs on the OS should be Hook enabled. Personal computing got swallowed by the iPhone and its ilk. The long arc has been terminals to workstations back to terminals. We now sample information from multiple devices in multiple locations. Information – data in a properly formatted information carrier – has become without-location (alocative) but addressable. This is an enormous human problem: we retrieve things by indexing where we put them – by location – by context – not by their address. Alocative information results in, as described, a breakdown in cognitive facility. Computers are not like us. They do not remember where things are by context. They index by addresses. I can bring to mind almost every single house on the very long cul-de-sac where I grew up; I know only one address, mine, which I was forced to memorize before I was allowed to go outside by myself. On our personal computers, we created context for our information. Personal computing in that sense is gone; that context-making is almost certainly gone as well. We might be able to replace locative memory with a personal branching trail system of “hooks” anchored in properly-formatted information carriers. (We might, and I think the possibility is real and disturbing, just make a mess.) Instead of filing something you want to retrieve later, you hook it. You don’t need to remember where it is, you need to remember the context you’ve given it. We remember contexts. Context is a good human index for information retrieval. My hope is that this returns the personal to computing, but whereas one once controlled one’s own single machine and stored things where one could find them, one now, across the entire expanse of digitized information, grows and controls one’s personal Hookery and uses that on any device to retrieve what’s on one’s mind, quickly. The Hookery becomes what the once-vaunted “desktop” never was. Hookeries ASAP, and thanks.
Terry Harpold Assoc. Professor of English University of Florida
Richard W. Bush Retired Educator/Administrator Memphis, TN
Andric Tham
Daniel Haven Software Developer New Jersey
Michael Becker CEO Sunnyvale, CA
Steffen Bleher Co-founder Germany
Skybird Stout Founder Seattle, WA Deep linking represents a foundational paradigm shift for neurodivergent individuals who wish to interact with computers in a non-linear way if needed. Cognitive wiring differs from one individual to another, but without adapting to the changing awareness embedding itself within the cultures of a more diverse and interconnected society, those of us who should not be required to fit ourselves into expected patterns should be able to make technology adapt to us, not the other way around. Deep linking presents a way to unify the digital asset collections we tend to accumulate, and by empowering people of all cognitive styles to make a system that works for them, we can make a difference in quality of life.

Technology was made for the sake of man, not man for the sake of technology.
Tim Fallon Postdoctoral Fellow University of California, San Diego Using PDF deep linking has changed my scholarly life. The whole software world needs to get on board with deep linking.
Austin Otto Educator Sacramento, CA
Andres Leon-Geyer Researcher and Professor Peru Open standards and interoperability not only are necessary to foster equity between diverse contexts of economical power and technological development (and to reduce the digital gap). Human knowledge itself is based on the work of others, and consequently its interconnection means its development. If we dont foster interoperability and free access to all resources, we create an obstacle to our own development as cultures.
Gregor Rosenauer Software engineer Vienna, Austria As a big supporter of open source, open data formats and interoperability, and as a signee of the data centric manifesto, deeply rooted in Unix philosophy of single purpose tools connected through pipes and filters, I’ve already enjoyed back in 1997 through BeOS what a modern, open, metadata driven system could be like, and in 2003 started to work on an idea to add relations.
Now, 20 years later, I’ve finally found time again to realize this vision in the form of SEN, adding semantic extensions to Haiku, the open source successor of BeOS, and I’m glad to see all the interest and movement towards deep linking information on desktop filesystems.
Glad to support this manifesto, too.
Vatsal Manot Founder San Francisco
David Topps Professor University of Calgary It is high time that this became commonplace functionality on a wide range of connected web apps. We have had limited cross-linking in the past but too many large corporations have attempted to corral us into using their monolithic suites.
Blake J Anderson Social Worker Toronto
Jim Saiya Software Developer and Information Architect Dearborn, MI, USA
James Motherway Cybersecurity Professional United States
David Gentile Head of AI Development New Zealand Data should sit with the user, not the app. Ubiquitous linking would be a great step in that direction to put more control in the user’s hands.
Stephan Holzgruber Project Manager Vienna, Austria
Denton Jacobs
Aaron Hockley Photographer / Author / Speaker Vancouver, Washington, USA
William Gallagher Writer UK @WGallagher
Fernando Gros Writer/Artist Melbourne